with an experience of 46 Years
Dr. HM. Malhotra is Senior Psychiatrist.
with an experience of 46 Years
Years of
Dr. HM. Malhotra is Senior Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist & Clinical Healing Hypnotherapist with an experience of 46 Years.
Irritation, Anger, Aggressiveness, Abusiveness, Violent thoughts and Violent Behavior
Bipolar, OCD, Epilepsy
Parkinson's Disease
Alzheimer's disease and Dementia
Psychosis, Schizophrenia, Sad and Depression, Suicidal thoughts and Behavior
Social withdrawal
Anxiety, Ghabrahat, Nervousness, Panicking
Abnormal Racing of heart, tremor of fingers, hands, body parts, extra,- ordinary sweating or perspiration in body parts
HM Malhotra - Founder
Years of
Dr.Rekha Malhotra is a qualified Clinical Psychological Counselor & Psychotherapist with an experience of 46 Years.
Child Psychologist and Behavioral Counselling
Marriage and Relationships Counselling
Family Conflicts and Counselling
Settling down in conflicting situations
Coping with New Relationships
Coping with odd situations
Coping with challanges in Difficult Relationships
Coping with break in Relationships
Coping with situations that create Anxiety, Fears, Social withdrawals, & Nervousness, etc
Psychological and Psychosomatic behavior Problems Counselling
Rekha Malhotra - Founder
Let’s open your heart story to us, We’ll listen to you